Yamuna Body Rolling

Yamuna Body Rolling is a simple and effective method to release and elongate muscles, joints and tendons that have been compromised by years of overuse. Once these routines are learned, they can be performed at home giving your body the sustainability necessary to continue doing what you love for as long as you wish.
Yamuna Body Rolling was developed by Yamuna Zake, a New York yoga teacher who, after suffering a devastating hip injury discovered and pioneered a technique for healing the body. She has dedicated her life to helping others help themselves through years of research and experience. Yamuna Body Rolling is not only a technique for healing the body, but also strengthens, tones and elongates the muscles.
Utilizing balls of various sizes and strengths, one can create space in joints that have been compacted from years of overuse. It is also extremely effective for anyone who participates in strenuous sports and dance, but also for anyone at any level of activity, including those that do not exercise at all.

The routines are often very relaxing, while at the same time initiating profound changes in your body structure and function. Old injuries can be healed, and new ones can be prevented. The routines can be performed by anyone – from dancers, and athletes, to those that have a more sedentary lifestyle. YBR greatly reduces recovery time for extreme sports and exercise.